The Design Process

An initial interview will be conducted during this stage to define the the 'Design Brief' - a summary of client requests and outline of the tasks ahead.

A contract will be drafted for estimated project timeline, deliverables, revision amount and rates, and training + ongoing maintenance (i.e. website content & SEO).

Research for the design project based on info from the client. This includes a comprehensive evaluation of the industry/market, target demographics and personas, competitor analysis, sourcing reference examples of successes/failures/client aspirations, and potential follow up interviews to define client strategy, positioning, and objectives.

Idea generation based on the design brief and research, involving brainstorming techniques that explore a variety of solutions to client objectives and visualize initial concepts.

Stage One involves keyword mapping, thumbnails (rough sketches by hand), and moodboards to define color palette, typography, illustration style, graphic motifs, photography, and logo style + web elements where applicable.

Stage Two includes UI site hierarchy maps, UX flowcharts, wireframes, and low-fi mockups.

Presentation of concepts from Ideation phase for client review. While each stage of the design process requires client input, communication and iteration - this phase is entirely dedicated to gathering constructive feedback from clients on their likes, dislikes, and any additional ideas or strategic alterations for the project thus far.

Back and forth iteration with clients to make requested changes and refine each brand element or design deliverable.

There may be multiple stages of Concept Review & Revisions. Revision amount and pricing will be discussed in the brief stage, and stated in the contract. Please note that pricing for revisions beyond the Final Delivery phase is 4X regular rates*

Finalized assets and deliverables from the design brief are shared with the client. This may take the form of domain name registration + website publishing, custom graphics formatted for specified destinations, images, videos, vector art, and any other appropriate file types.

*Any additional revisions beyond the Final Delivery phase are 4X my regular rate of $45/hr ($180 per hour). This includes any new visual content or graphics and any structural revisions to website pages or sections. It excludes minor bug fixes, blog publishing/social promotion, or questions/advice on site management.

This policy helps clients to clearly define project scope and deliverables from the outset, and encourages prioritization of what revisions are absolutely necessary before moving forward. This helps preserve my bandwidth by preventing open-ended projects or speculative work. Thanks for understanding!